Hanns Eisler - born in Leipzig in 1898 and living in Vienna, (East)
Berlin, Spain and the USA - was a composer and music theorist who was as
brilliant as he was uncomfortable, setting poems by Bertolt Brecht and
others to music, writing workers' songs and symphonies and composing the
national anthem of the GDR.
For Eisler, music, like art in general,
always had a social purpose. Eisler's songs and the works of his
colleagues Weyrauch, Weismann and Wagner-Régeny, which were rarely
performed after the end of the GDR, are made accessible at the Arp
Museum by the new dream team of lieder singing: the outstanding young
tenor, former Thomaner and Bach Prize winner Patrick Grahl was born in
Leipzig in 1988, Klara Hornig from Berlin is regarded as an accomplished
lied pianist.
Patrick Grahl, tenor
Klara Hornig, piano
Songs by Johannes Weyrauch, Wilhelm Weismann and Rudolf Wagner-Régeny
Tickets: 30 Euro | Children under 18 years: 6 euros
Tickets are available in advance via our online museum shop.
Detailed information and contact details for the Arp Museum can be found here: