February 09, 2025
Rhein Nahe Touristik
Location: Bacharach
Duo del Mar's answer is: a world of experiences and feelings as well as echoes of a bygone era. And this is precisely what is more important and relevant in our modern world than ever before.
The two virtuosos Ian Mardon, violin, and Marina Savova, piano, will present their new programme ‘The Blue Flower’ in Bacharach, which has stood for the longing of love since Novalis wrote the text of the same name. Johannes Brahms, Clara and Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert and Gustav Mahler were great connoisseurs of the literary scene of their time and were well acquainted with the symbolism of the blue flower.
The self-penned texts of Mahler's ‘Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen’ also describe the blue flower. On this evening, the duo will perform the world's first version for violin and piano.
Ticket price: 19,00 EUR
Reduced price: EUR 16.00 (for pupils, students, trainees, pensioners, people with disabilities)
Start: 18:00 hrs
Location: Mittelrheinhalle
Ticket sales: Rhein-Nahe Touristik, Oberstraße 10, Bacharach, Tel. +49 6743/919303; info(at)rhein-nahe-touristik.de